We're back!


Yes, it’s not been quick, and it’s not been easy, but here we are again!

You might think: where we’ve been all this time? Well, we’ve been working like crazy. We’ve been on “White Heaven” for some time, but just before jumping in production, we thought that this was not the right game: it was too "too much, too soon”.

We needed something to fill the gaps, to give you more insights and answer all those questions you might have from our previous game, “Anna”. And, of course, generate more questions!

So we’ve moved White Heaven for a later release and started working on “Nascence”.

“Nascence” will give you beautiful vistas, meaningful puzzle (yes, really!), a nice amount of scares (but not JUMP scares! You’ll find plenty of games out there that do that) and I’m sure it will melt your heart.

And hopefully, it will leave you yearning for more.

To do this game, we decided to get some help, because we needed to be able to make this game in a reasonable time-frame. We therefore contacted a group of extremely talented artists called “Treehouse studio”.
They helped us delivering our vision and you’ll hear lots from them in the future. I’m sure you’ve already played plenty of games they did, because they are all veterans.

We also plan to give you bi-weekly updates: no more months of nothing!

We are all very excited about this project and we hope you’ll be as well.

Dreampainters Software
Treehouse Entertainment